You Can Do It

Hey guys,
Yay!!! So it’s spring festival in my school and it’s been extremely exciting. I got to see some people that I had not seen in years, and caught up with them. Trying out new food and meeting new people were also interesting.
The highlight of the festival however was when my friends and I started talking to people and inviting them to church. I used to think evangelism was strictly for some people until I tried it, I was extremely ecstatic.
Talking to people do not take a lot of strategies,  we started by complimenting them……telling someone they look good, or that their hair is nice,  or telling them they have a nice dog could get you the attention you need. After the compliments, it became so easy to invite them to church because we had peeked their interest.
And in church today, we had some turn outs, and those that could not make it called or texted. The response we got from them encouraged me a lot because they said they’d come back next week.  One of them even came with their cute, well-behaved dog.
P.s: The lady in white is my beautiful partner Mz_Eyeonic.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you @KelvinOh I'm glad that you are @Esther


  2. 1stjuly1990 says:

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