Faith as the Anchor: Conquering Insecurities in Life

Hello Greatness, Have you ever had to struggle with an insecurity? Have you ever been in a situation where it seems you can’t see anything other than that thing you’re insecure about? It seems as if life itself is zeroing in on just that thing—like you can’t even catch a break. Well, if you wouldn’t…

Prophecies or Promises…

Hello Greatness, “A prophecy is defined as the foretelling of what is to come; a promise is a declaration that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen.” For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been studying prophets in the Bible… for reasons best known to God (hmmm, is God…

The Story Doesn’t Have to End Like That

Hello Greatness, I can’t begin to explain how I feel to finally be able to write/post again. I logged in today and saw that it’s been like six months since my last post. Well, I’m glad to be back again and I hope to be able to continue. The plan is to have a minimum…

Slaying the Giants

Hello Greatness, We often face situations that cause us to wonder how many giants we have to slay to get stronger. Issues that cause us to say “adulting is hard.” You know those life challenges that make it seem as if the last battle you faced and won was nothing compared to this current one….

Victory over Guilt

Hello Greatness, Happy new month!! Isn’t it exciting that we are already in June!! Like once this month is over, we are done with the first half of the year. Hope your year is meeting up to your expectations. I pray that Provers 4:18 is your reality this year. Let’s get right to the topic…


Hello Greatness, Chosen: one who is the object of choice or of divine favor; an elect person Merriam Webster Dictionary This year, I have faced a lot of changes in my relationship with God and I am absolutely excited about how things are beginning to unfold. One of such changes was inspired by my word…

Public Show of Love

Hello Greatness, Cheers 🥂 to a brand new year…. I know we’re already in the second month… but since this is the first time we’re meeting, I want to wish you a very happy new year 🎊🎆🎈 . Here’s to the month of love ❤️ …. and as a result, we will be looking into…

The Love Test….

Hello Greatness, A vast majority of Christians, myself included, are quick to talk about how similar we are to God. It easily rolls off our tongues when we want to justify some of our actions and want them to be accepted…. then we say “Judge not lest ye be judged.” We are quick to talk…